Thursday, December 6, 2007

What is YOUR Motive?

I recently heard ' It is not what you do, but why you do it!' Our motive will can change our experience. There are many people who do good things but maybe for the wrong reason. They volunteer time at the the local homeless shelter but the question is why? Some do it because it is the cool thing. Some do it because their friends do it. Some do it because it is expect of them. The question is who is expecting them to do anything?

How often in political campaigns have we seen candidates spooning mash potatoes onto the plate of some unfortunate person. You look at that scene and think to yourself, they are not really trying to help people, this is all about a photo op. Their motive is not helping the homeless. Their motive is really themselves. Making themselves look good so people will have a better opinion of them. It is not that the homeless shelter doesn't need help or even some press but a person's motive is huge in the reality of the action. As we analyze the whys of life, and adjust our motives, I think we will receive the true satisfaction that comes from our actions.

Who do we live for? Why do we do what we do? What gives us that reason to get out of bed in the morning? The answers to these questions will give us help in identifying our motives. Many people are living life to please others and it is never enough. There is never that sense of accomplishment or satisfaction because we are living to try to please someone's unstated reason for their approval of us and our actions. See, that is the problem, it is the unstated standards that we are trying to live up to. How much is enough? How can I fulfill an undetermined standard or expectation? We find ourself driven to perform, motivated by the approval of others. The end result is frustration and anger because we can never measure up. We are either driven to burnout or concede to defeat and give up completly.

As we define the motive of our life there is an accompanying peace and satisfaction that becomes ours. We begin to live, really experience life in its purest form. I love to help other people. But I can not live for other people's happiness. If that was my motive I would feel like a failure because I found out long ago you can't please everyone all the time. I personally am motivated to make my heavenly Father happy. How many times I say to Him I just want to put a smile on your face. Or when you think of me I want you to have a smile. He is my motivation. He is the reason I get out of bed in the morning.

I do want to please Him but I also know that my flesh is weak and in reality I can not please him. That is why I must trust the gift of his Son's shed blood to cleanse me and make me accepted in Him. In Jesus I am accepted now. I love God and want to please him but I am not accepted or rejected by the Father, based on my actions alone. I am accepted by my Father by Jesus' actions. I am accepted in the beloved Son Jesus.

So here is the question what is your motive? Why do you do what you do? And who are you living for ? Yourself? Others? Some undefined standard of living that will gain you acceptance? Think it through and make adjustments if necessary.


Sherrie said...

Hello Mitch!! Glad to see that you have a blog site. Jeani just show me it today. I will have to get back to you on my motive. I need to think it though.. Great question by the way. Your new addition to the family is very cute!

Unknown said...

A bit of ouch ..., but good truth. Thank you.
It is neat to see/read your new blog, Mitch. I look forward to reading more of your HS insights.
Bless, -Vicki C.(Seattle area, '01)

Anonymous said...

Thought provoking post Mitch.
Had to think a bit on this one.
So, after watching Monk and House I'll leave a comment.

I'd love to be able to say that God is my only motivator in life.
Although He is ultimately I also have to say, pleasing self and others is way up there.

I will do some introspection this weekend and try to re-adjust a bit.

Jeani said...

One of my saying has always been
"you can do all of the right things for the wrong reason and I doubt if it really counts."
I want you guys to know that Cubby has been added to Roz's nightly prayers. She stayed overnite last night and she prayed for all her loved ones and their pets and included you Mitch and then said "we can't forget Cubby"

Mitch said...

Hey good to see you found your way here. Sometimes we wonder who reads the newsletter. We send them out faithfully now for years but to be honest we have very little feed back. When we see people in person they say thanks for the newsletter but not like this medium. Anyway look forward to reading mor of your thoughts and comments. Blessings